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Saturday 25 September 2021

Home remedies for diseases through the use of medicinal plants

 Home remedies for diseases through healthful plants






As a shower soap:

Like seasoner super gel:

Like Hair Remedy Remedy:

Like a scrub cream:

Like Zincs seasoner Remedies:

To keep the systema alimentarium clean:


Digestive problems:


Cough-Sputum-Cold Protection:

Respiratory problems:


ગ્રીન જ્યૂસ બનાવવાની રીત
કાપેલી દૂધી
અજમો ના પાન
લેમન જ્યૂસ
જીરું પાવડર

આ તમામ વસ્તુઓને એક સાથે બ્લેન્ડર જારમાં મિક્સ કરી હલાવો અને આ ગ્રીન જ્યૂસ તૈયાર થઈ જશે.

જાણો ગ્રીન જ્યૂસ ના ફાયદા
- આ જ્યૂસ બ્લડ પ્યૂરિફિકેશનમાં મદદ કરે છે. તે તમારા શરીર અને લિવરને ડિટોક્સીફાઈ કરે છે અને રેડ બ્લડ સેલ્સ બનાવવામાં મદદ કરે છે.
- વેજીટેબલ જ્યૂસમાં વિટામિન્સની સંપૂર્ણ માત્રા હોય છે તેથી તે તમારી આંખો અને ઇન્યૂન સિસ્ટમ માટે પણ સારું છે.
- તમારા શરીરમાંથી ટોક્સિન્સને બહાર કાઢે છે. સાથે જ લિવરથી પિત્ત અને ફેટને ઓછું કર છે. આ સાથે તમારું હાર્ટ પણ હેલ્દી રહે છે.
- તમારા પિત્તને સ્ટ્રોન્ગ રાખે છે. જેનાથી ફેટના બ્રેકડાઉન અને શરીરમાંથી ટોક્સિન્સને નિકાળવામાં મદદ મળે છે.


Arduosi may be a healing plant. The leaves, flowers, roots and whole plants square measure used as medication however the leaves square measure solely used.


It is used in the main for projection gall and phlegm. Ginger juice with Ardusi cough and Ardusi juice with sugar or black grapes projection gall. Coughing is treated by discomposed, crushing and licking the flower of Ardusi with honey.


Giving Arduosi juice with ginger and honey additionally relieves shortness of breath because of coughing. Honey may be obtained by boiling Ard leaves in boiling ginger.


Take one teaspoon of basil juice, one teaspoon of juice to 2 teaspoons of Ardusi juice and drink it within the morning-evening-night. 2 teaspoons of freshly squeezed juice from Ardusi and one teaspoon of honey defeated within the morning and evening quench the thirst and shortly the cough subsides.


It is thought-about one among the simplest remedies within the world for its healthful properties.

Aloe vera seasoner medication. it's a pot that's innocent, effective and utterly useless. The therapeutic price of Aloe vera is incredibly high. This plant is taken into account to be the reason behind cancer, diabetes, jaundice, diarrhea, evacuation of blood and liver skin.

As a shower soap:

The use of Aloe vera soap kills dirt and germs within the body, clears pores and removes wrinkles.

Like seasoner super gel:

The gel ready from Aloe vera works okay for burns, aches, joint pains, back buttocks etc.

Like Hair Remedy Remedy:

This formulation prevents hair from severance, removes dandruff, makes the hair shiny and fat.

Like a scrub cream:

Ab cream contains Aloe vera and apricot. It removes pimples, dark spots, allergies, teaching bites etc. The face is nailed because it provides nutrients to the skin.

Like Zincs seasoner Health:

Taking Aloe vera seasoner medication makes the liver work thus well that it will eliminate all connected diseases. Drinking juice prevents discharge cramps, gum illness, body fat in ladies.

To keep the systema alimentarium clean:

Aloe vera helps maintain a healthy digestion and has the power to get rid of toxins from the body.

It helps to cut back sores, sensitive skin, sunburn and skin sensation. If you suffer from avoirdupois, you ought to drink atiny low quantity of Aloe vera juice daily. Doing thus keeps weight in check.

Hemorrhoids may be eased by drinking Aloe vera juice often.

Mixing multa clay or wood powder in associate degree Aloe vera bowl eliminates skin skin disorder.


Tulsi is taken into account to be the foremost vital medication within the Hindu spiritual community. Tulsi is taken into account vital in writing due to the properties found during this plant. Children, the older, ladies and men will all enjoy the utilization of Tulsi.

Digestive problems:

For biological process issues like tenderness, boil 10-15 leaves in a very glass of water and create a thick paste. Add a pinch of Sindhav salt and drink it.


If there's a fever, add one teaspoon of basil floral leaf powder and one teaspoon of cardamom powder to 2 cups of water and create it thicker. Drink 2 or thrice on a daily basis. you'll get milk and water if you would like to style it.

Cough-Sputum-Cold Protection:

Basil is employed in most cough syrups. Basil leaves facilitate relieve cough. change of state recent basil petals with ginger for a jiffy provides relief from coughing. Boiling and drinking basil leaves relieves raw throat. Drink concerning 10-15 cups of Tulsi poached in a very cup of milk to avoid cold throughout the season or winter. Basil extraction is helpful in reducing the high fever.

Respiratory problems:

Basil is incredibly useful in treating metastasis issues. Drinking a combination created by combination honey, ginger and basil provides relief from colds.

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