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Sunday 8 May 2022

These 8 Things Give Signs Of A Major Disorder In The Body.


These 8 Things Give Signs Of A Major Disorder In The Body.

World Health Day 2022 is celebrated worldwide. On this day people are made aware for health. So that he can live a good life

April 7 is World Health Day

There are 6 types of primary health

If Such Symptoms Appear In Your Body, Be Alert

World Health Day is celebrated on April 7 every year. The theme for World Health Day 2022 is 'Our Planet, Our Health'. There are 6 types of primary health. These include Physical, Mental, Social, Emotional, Environmental and Spiritual Health. If one's 6 primary health is proper then it is considered as health.

Millions of people worldwide suffer from horrific illnesses. There are a lot of problems these days due to the unhealthy lifestyle and food of the people. Because of these problems, there is a symptom in every human body. Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for antique items.

Inadvertent Weight Loss

According to Richard Vander, MD, chief cancer control officer of the American Cancer Society, if you lose more than 10 pounds without making any changes to your diet or exercise, get tested. Sudden weight loss can lead to cancer of the pancreas, stomach, esophagus or lungs.

Breaking Teeth

According to Evan Dylan, MD, a gastrointestinal specialist at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, people often have broken teeth. They may have complaints of acid reflux. It causes teeth to break due to acid.


Many people have a habit of snoring loudly. Snoring is associated with a number of health conditions, including sleep apnea, overweight, heart disease, GERD and stroke. So if you are snoring, consult your doctor.

The Skin Is Not Clean

Scars or blemishes on the skin can also be a sign of serious health. If someone is getting itchy, itching then the body may also have some serious diseases. For example, acne can be caused by poor lifestyle, poor sleep and poor diet. Acne on the beard is associated with stomach problems. So pay attention to it too.

Whitening Of Eyes

According to experts, if a person is healthy then his eyes look white. But if your eyes look yellow, it could be a sign of problems with the gallbladder, liver, pancreas or bile ducts. Red eyes are also a sign of poor health.

Strange Nail Color

By looking at the nails, the expert gets information about your health. If the shape, texture and color of your fingernails and toenails are not normal then your health is bad. Sometimes smoking and even some nail polish color can cause nails to turn yellow. But experts say that yellowing of the nails can also be caused by poor blood circulation and lack of liquid.

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If you have frequent gas problems in your stomach, it is because your digestion is not good. If someone is passing gas 10-20 times a day, he should also inform the expert immediately. It may be that you are consuming certain foods in your diet that aggravate the gas problem.

અહીંથી વાંચો સંપુર્ણ ગુજરાતી માહિતી રીપોર્ટ


Always Tired

Fatigue can also be a serious problem. Even if a person consumes too much caffeine, he can always get tired. If you feel tired without any reason then consult an expert. It may be that you have some symptoms that are causing you to feel tired. Timely diagnosis of this problem is essential.

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