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Monday 26 September 2022

Add These Summer Fruits To Your Diet To Stay a Cool

Add These Summer Fruits To Your Diet To Stay a Cool


The watermelon is one of the best fruits to eat  in the summer. It has a high water content, which keeps the body a hydrated. It is even rich in lycopene, which saves the body from sun damage.



Moreover to being rich in vitamin C, oranges also include  potassium and nutrients, which support treat muscle pain and cramps. Oranges even help build strong immunity and enable the body to fight diseases.


Such as oranges, kiwis are rich in vitamin C and delight the taste buds. They have a cooling effect on the body and include vitamins, potassium, and fibre.


Peaches are juicy fruits that keep your body hydrated during the summer season and are good for the skin. They include a healthy dose of vitamins A and C, are even a great source of antioxidants and fibre, and increase digestion.


Tadgola or the palm fruit is an another fruit with a high water content. Because of  its cooling properties, it is great for summer; the high water content keeps the physique hydrated.

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