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Tuesday 1 November 2022

Natural memory tonic, Brahmi: Know how it boosts brain health (and other benefits)


01 Memory booster

Since it has properties to calm down the mind, it improves the memory part of the brain. It helps concentration and focus, icreases cognitive functioning of the brain and sharpens the intellect of a  person.

According to a 2020 research study, researchers found that 6 weeks of daily treatment with bacopa, 2 time a day (at a dose of 300 mg per day) led to development in cognitive function.

Experts say that brahmi increases dendritic length and branching which makes it an best medicine for the brain.

02 Anxiety reliever​

The compounds present in brahmi elevate the mood by decreasing the cortisol level in the body. Cortisol is the stress hormone.

Brahmi even alters the level of serotonin or the happy hormone in the body and thus relieves stress.

03 Protects against many diseases​

Brahmi includes powerful antioxidants which when consumed saves the body from harmful free radicals.

Free radicals are injurious to the human body and are associated with many major diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and various types of cancer.

04 ​Decrease inflammation​

Inflammation is harmful to the physique sometimes though it is the body's natural way to fight a disease. Many types of cancer are associated with inflammation.

Brahmi is told to have anti-inflammatory compounds. Some research studies have shown that the anti-inflammatory effect of brahmi is close to that of diclofenac and indomethacin, two famous nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

05 Can lower blood pressure​

Brahmi leaves are recommended to those who have a high blood pressure. Though high blood pressure is a grave medical condition and require proper medical assistance, consumption of brahmi leaves is said to bring down the blood pressure.

Consumption of the leaves of this plant controls the systolic and a diastolic blood pressure. Few animal studies have found that brahmi leaves release nitric oxide which dilates the blood vessels and increases the flow of blood.

 ​Vital points to know​

Though it is a very famous herbal medicine and is widely revered in Ayurveda, one should not over consume brahmi leaves.

There are many side effects to consumption of Ayurvedic medicines depending on the health complications a  person has.

It is always suggested to consult the doctor before putting any herbal medicine into practice.

Brahmi is known to cause digestive troubles in some people. It is not recommended for a pregnant women.

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